In a poignant continuation of the late Ken Block’s legacy, Hoonigan released ‘Electrikhana Two: The Mexico City Sessions,’ a high-octane sequel to Gymkhana 11. Shot against the vibrant backdrop of Mexico City in 2022, this film showcases the capabilities of the heavily modified Audi S1 Hoonitron, paying homage to Block’s rally prowess and innovative spirit.
Block’s collaboration with Audi and the Hoonigan team for Electrikhana Two is a testament to pushing the boundaries of performance in the electric vehicle (EV) world. The film captures Block’s signature rally-inspired driving style as he skillfully maneuvers the streets of Mexico City on the Audi S1 Hoonitron. It boasts advancements in its all-electric drivetrain, featuring a ‘simulated gears’ function that revolutionizes control during slides and donuts. This development builds on lessons learned from the team’s experience in Las Vegas, elevating the driving experience to new heights.
The journey unfolds with Block launching the Hoonitron from the iconic Plaza de Toros, navigating through Mexico City’s landmarks, including the Museo Soumaya and the Benito Juárez International Airport. The film showcases the S1’s innovative features, from standing AWD burnouts to seamless transitions between all-wheel and rear-wheel drive. Viewers are treated to captivating moments, including an encounter with JUCA, a prominent figure in Mexico’s automotive scene. Electrikhana Two pays homage to Block’s legacy with a nostalgic Gymkhana tribute throughout the credits.
Electrikhana Two was made possible without the support of partners such as Audi, Spray Nine, Rotiform, Toyo Tires, Monster Energy, and Kubota. These collaborations underscore the collective effort to bring Block’s vision to life. As enthusiasts eagerly await the release of Electrikhana Two, it serves as a poignant reminder of Ken Block’s indelible mark on the automotive world. While the film immortalizes Block’s final performance, it also sets the stage for the future of Hoonigan and its commitment to automotive excellence.
In addition to the video, Hoonigan also released an Electrikhana capsule collection composed of a pullover, a short-sleeved tee, a cap, and a sticker. The collection features graphics and imagery in a white and red-on-black colorway.
In honor of Ken Block’s legacy, the 43 Institute was founded, dedicated to creating opportunities for those driven by passion. As Hoonigan continues to captivate audiences with its vehicular savagery, the film, an electrifying tribute to a legend, leaves viewers anticipating the next chapter in Hoonigan’s legacy.
Check out the Electrikhana Two video here, and purchase the Elektrikhana Two merch on the Hoonigan website.