The Victorinox Secure Pro USB Drive [Un-Hackable]

Victorinox’s ‘Un-Hackable’ Secure Pro USB

The Victorinox Secure Pro USB Drive [Un-Hackable]

Victorinox has dropped thumb drives before but the Secure Pro drive is the first from the company that’s supposedly, “un-hackable”. Victorinox actually offered a £100,000 prize to a team of “professional hackers” if they could crack the drive during the company’s launch event and they failed miserably. So in a world filled with skilled underground IT professionals, how is it that this pro team wasn’t able to get the job done? Well, it’s probably the drive’s combination of AES256 technology and fingerprint security, which is paired with a self-destruct mechanism that irrevocably burns the CPU and memory chip if there’s any attempt to force the drive open.

The USB drive is available in the UK for capacities of 8GB to 32GB, with prices ranging from $75 to $270. No word on when they will be made available stateside. (via Realwire)


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