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The Want | rag & bone Wellington Trench Coat

The Want | rag & bone Wellington Trench Coat The Want | rag & bone Wellington Trench Coat

The Want | rag & bone Wellington Trench CoatThe Want | rag & bone Wellington Trench Coat

rag & bone‘s fall collection is pretty serious, folks and their Wellington Trench reaffirms this for us. The double breasted wool trench comes in a heather green finish and packs an over-sized collar which is great protection for the current weather. Alongside the quality and craftsmanship, rag & bone’s fit is always impeccable. This is a must-have for the winter and don’t be surprised if you see this piece land in our annual holiday gift guide (coming soon).

The Want | rag & bone Wellington Trench Coat

The Want | rag & bone Wellington Trench Coat

The Want | rag & bone Wellington Trench Coat

The Want | rag & bone Wellington Trench Coat

Buy It: $1,095 at rag & bone

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Isaora x Ace Hotel Quilted Shirt

Isaora x Ace Hotel Quilted Shirt