‘The Martian’ is a new science-fiction film by director Ridley Scott. The plot centers around astronaut Mark Watney (played by Matt Damon), who is presumed dead after he is caught in a violent storm. Watney is left behind when the rest of his crew leaves the planet on their way back to Earth. He is alone on Mars, with only a few supplies available to help him survive. Watney maintains his spirit and tries to find a way of sending a signal back home so that he can be rescued.
The story is based on the novel of the same name by Andy Weir, which was adapted into a screenplay written by Drew Goddard. The film also features performances by Jessica Chastain as Melissa Lewis, Kristen Wiig as Annie Montrose, Jeff Daniels as Teddy Sanders, Michael Peña as Major Rick Martinez, Kate Mara as Beth Johanssen, Sean Bean as Mitch Henderson, and Sebastian Stan as Dr. Chris Beck.
The Martian will be released in cinemas on the 2nd of October 2015. Take a look at the first official trailer below.
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