Young Democrats to give birth to ‘Obama Babies’?

Apparently, there was a whole lot going on Tuesday night apart from Obama winning the Presidential election.  Apparently, social networking sites like Twitter revealed that not only were people running down their neighborhood streets, but some were expressing some election night passions, giving rise to speculation that maternity wards in blue states would be unusually busy in nine months time.

The phrase “Obama Baby” has already been indentified and defined by Urban Dictionary.

“A child conceived after Obama was proclaimed President by way of celebratory sex, or any baby born under Barack Obama’s term(s),” is the entry.

It helpfully adds an example of its use: “I was born July 2009. I’m an Obama baby!”

Well, guess we’ll be keeping a close eye on the raise in population nine months from now.  You guys think this theory’s going to hold true?


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