Need/Want Launches Minimums to Showcase ‘The Most Interesting Possessions of The Most Interesting People’
What is the minimum you’d need to carry on with your lifestyle? And, what items have contributed significantly to your life? Minimums is a new publication by Need/Want that answers these questions by telling the stories of some of ‘the most interesting possessions of the world’s most interesting people’. The features are a useful way to find and purchase cool new items as well as be inspired by others.
Posts feature people with interesting lifestyles or those who are at the top of their industries, and showcase some unusual possessions that are dear to each person. Each feature is shot inside the subject’s home or office, and includes a back story of who they are, how they got to where they are, and how the featured items played a role. Some of the interviewees so far include: Wes Siler (a professional wildman), Jeff Sheldon (the creator of Ugmonk), Cat Valdes (Youtuber), Jeff Cannata (professional nerd), and Adam Frager (co-founder of Blood & Sand). Some people have books and apps on their lists, and others name less ordinary items like harmonicas and shotguns. We also find out what each person’s favorite app, hobby, city, and restaurant is.
Check out the Minimums website for details.