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#Menswear 101 | Suit Jackets v. Blazers v. Sport Jackets

Sports jackets, blazer jackets, suit jackets – men often use these terms interchangeably. But are they really different from each other? Does it even matter? The simple answer is, yes and yes.

Presented by eBay

Sports jackets, blazer jackets, suit jackets – men often use these terms interchangeably. But are they really different from each other? Does it even matter? The simple answer is, yes and yes. Knowing the difference between the three jacket types will save you a lot of money in the long run. But more importantly, it’s going to prevent those embarrassing lifelong memories when you “accidentally” wore a sports jacket and jeans to a black tie event. Let’s talk about each jacket type, what makes them unique from each other, how to choose the best one of each for your wardrobe, and – most importantly – when to wear them.

Head on over to our Guide on eBay to check it out.

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