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Android 0.9, roadmap released by Google

Yes! This is the information that every iPhone hater’s been waiting for.  Yesterday, Google released the 0.9 beta version of Android to developers.  This version is said to have close-resemblance to the real deal non-beta version coming in the next few months.  November seems to be the month of interest right now, but the first GPhone may not come with Exchange.

The 0.9 version has been significantly upgraded with a new widgetified and flickable homescreen, a handy tab to pull up your apps, plus a media player, camera, and other little goodies that some of us here just can’t wait to get our hands on.

The Android site announces that there will be “additional Android 1.0 (pre) SDK releases made available, as necessary” in September, followed by the first 1.0-compatible release in the Q3 to Q4 timeframe. Finally, the Android source will leak out in the fourth quarter along with the first “Android 1.0 devices.”

It should be an interesting fourth quarter, so be sure to stay tuned!  Head over to engadget for screen shots of 0.9 and a video as well.

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