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Sony unveils strap-on for PS3 controllers

Get your head out of the gutter.  At its Leipzig Games Convention press conference, Sony pulled out a wireless keypad for the PS3 that fits so snug on top of your Sixaxis or Dualshock3 controller.  It’s a neat little device.  It’s kitted with the PS button, a select and start button because it covers those 3 buttons up when it’s attached. 

The Wireless Kepad includes a mode that turns the key area into a touchpad, allowing users to control an on-screen cursor with their fingertips, tapping to activate a link. The keypad also features two short-cut buttons, enabling quick access to the XMB’s “Friends” icon and the “Message Box.” The pad also can be paired with other Bluetooth devices (e.g., a smart phone) and will be released in late November.

Sony Wireless Keypad for PS3:

Source:  Joystiq

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